Links For Bloggers

Links For Bloggers

Links For Bloggers is a valuable resource for you if you are a blogger or a person looking to get started into blogging.  We hope that some of the links here at Links For Bloggers are helpful to you.

Some of the links here are other sites that are authored by myself.  And some of those may have some great information for you especially if you are just starting out.  And some of the other sites can give you ideas on how to earn an additional income from blogging.  You see we may love to share our feelings or passions with people over the internet - but then again it doesn't hurt to earn some extra income so that we can blog full time.

Anyway - I hope you get some great information from the resources listed here on the Links For Bloggers.

Level ONE Network Review - is a site devoted to getting folks information on Level ONE Network.  Level One Network is a Network blog with four different network domains that bloggers can use to get traffic to their own sites or to their primary business.  When we blog on our own site - we can hope to do 3 or 4 - maybe even 5 pages per week.  And although that goes a long way to improving our traffic rank - it is still only maybe 250 to maybe 300 pages a year.  But on a network blog - we as a network may produce 300 pages in an hour or a few hours.  So the traffic rank for a network blog can be truly awesome.  And that provides horse power to the blogger when trying to capture a spot on a search engine result page.  Oh - and Level One Network also offers an affiliate program, and is set up for the affiliate program - and Adsense Word Ad's.  So there are already several different ways to monetize the network blog.  So if you need traffic - some extra horse power on the search engine result pages - or just want a jump start at making money from blogging - take a look at Level One Network Review to learn more about Level ONE Network.

Harvest Time Team - is our team in Level ONE Network.  We are made up of a group of very diversified bloggers and we pool our knowledge and skills to help each other.  This link goes to our first team site.  It is given to each member who joins the team - and then they can promote the site as their own.  It helps people who are new - get a jump start and helps them go in confidence - and start building their own team.  This site is only the first site page that has been released.  The version 2 is being released pretty soon and should prove to be even better.  In addition - any person that joins our team gets outrageous training on all sorts of topics that help all of us to become better bloggers and online marketers.  Check out this site and think - it could be yours too!

Be A Blogger Biz - is a site devoted to learning how to blog - and how to make a business out of it.  It has a page of free eBooks as well as some informative pages and posts.  We are planning more content for this site in the future but at the moment we have been busy with some of our sites that we earn a living off of.  But we will be adding more content to this site soon.

Pure Leverage Review - is a site devoted to giving great information about this new company.  The company offers bloggers and online marketers tools that can help them automate thier business.  Tools such as an auto responder, pre made capture pages and emails for the auto responder, video email and video hosting, an authority blog - all pre made and ready to go - which can be awesome for the brand new blogger.  They also have an online conference room, Turbo Traffic Resources and training / coaching program.  And all of that for an insanely low price.  And they also offer an affiliate program that in truth is really a Super Affiliate Program.  We absolutely love this company and if you ever wanted to make money online - well then you owe it to yourself to take a peak at Pure Leverage Review.

Dave - is our main site.  It's a site where you can learn more about the author of this site as well as some of my back ground.  EVERY blogger or online marketer should have at least 3 things.  An auto responder - a hosting account and a self hosted branded blog or website.  It is critical that you have a hub for all of your online marketing efforts.  Now in the beginning if you can't afford it - well that's okay.  What I would recommend is a freebie site like and start with a niche site.  Something that you can start to lay the ground work for future monetization.  But the problem is that with freebie sites like and - you are not allowed to post affiliate links or ads or banners that can help you earn money - unless already approved.  And you don't ever own your content because they own the free sites.  That's why we always teach people to use something like Level ONE Network so you can start to earn money and everything is already set up for you.  AND get a hosting account like Host Gator and then download Word Press on your own self hosted account.  NOW you own your content and you can monetize.  You can also make as many niche blogs as you wish and no one can stop you.  So Dave is my branding site.  And people can learn about me and they can see what companies that I work with and why.  So as soon as you can - start your own branding site.  You will be so glad that you did!

We will be adding more links on this page soon.  So check back and see what is new once in a while!