Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Be a Blogger . Biz: Job vs Business

Check out this blog post on Be a Blogger.Biz!

Be a Blogger . Biz: Job vs Business: Job vs  Business.....especially a Blogging Business....is something to think about! I know a lot of folks need a job these days.....h...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Christian Trading Room: The Enemy Will Lie To You

Check out the post we just did in one of our sister sites!

Christian Trading Room: The Enemy Will Lie To You: The Enemy Will Lie To You .... it   is so true.....and today more than any other time in history! Of course the message in this video gi...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Welcome to Harvest Time Bloggers

Welcome to Harvest Time Bloggers......a site dedicated to equipping an army of Christian Bloggers......in order to promote online evangelism!

Sound a little weird to you?  Well if you have been a Christian for a while then you remember handing out tracts.  And you also know that God can use any piece of information that is left around or placed in someones hand......to further His Kingdom.   And most likely you have heard of stories of people in desperate situations.....and then they found a Bible in a hotel.  Or maybe a tract on a sidewalk or a park bench.

And their life was for ever changed because of that piece of literature.....that simple printed Word!!!!!

Nothing is an accident when viewed from God's perspective!

Well I have gone through a few things over the last three year's and it led me into blogging.  BUT every since I did get into blogging......something has been on my mind the whole time.

What if we had an army of Christian bloggers?  What if we gathered the saints from all walks of life.....with all sorts of stories and testimonies to tell.....and we taught them to be bloggers?

What if we flooded the internet in the last days.....during Harvest Time......with personalized evangelism?

You see people go to the internet to find answers.  They go to the internet to search for information.  And during Harvest Time, there will be many who head to the internet to find answers like.....What in the world is going on?  What is with the famine, the natural disasters......the floods and earthquakes?  Where is God in all these bad things that are coming into our lives?

People who lose everything....and they are desperately seeking an answer to WHY?

So if they head to the internet and type in questions to these types of questions.....what will they find?  And who will have written those answers?

Well at Harvest Time Bloggers we intend to train Christians who have a desire to go out of this world fighting.  Christians who want to have a say in what the answers will be on the internet.

And we want to leave BILLIONS of pages of answers.....leading them to Christ!  Will all of us together create billions of pages?  Well I don't know.....but we are going to try!

So do you have the ability to share an opinion or your story?  Do you want to leave your testimony and your beliefs for the whole world to find?

Do you want to be a blogger for Christ?

Well welcome to Harvest Time Bloggers!!!!!

We are just starting out but we hope you come back often as we grow and expand daily.  Subscribe to us and follow us and learn how you can be a blogger for Christ!